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Poppy Seeds

Poppy Seeds have been used for a long time for multiple purposes in households and have been long known to have medicinal values. Poppy seeds have multiple known values, some of which are:

  1. Pain reliever: Poppy seeds are known to have pain relieving properties.
  2. Good Sleep: If you are someone who struggles for good night sleep, apart from exercises, meditation and keeping stress low, poppy seeds can help you get a good night sleep.
  3. Antioxidants: Poppy seeds have antioxidants properties which prevents aging and keeps you young.
  4. Prevents kidney stone: Poppy seeds prevents you from getting kidney stone. This keeps your body healthy from inside.
  5. Bone strength: Poppy seeds gives strength to your bones. Keeps your bone density high.
  6. Improves digestion: These seeds also improve digestion system of your body which also shows up on your skin. This gives you more energy throughout the day and keeps you running for longer time.
  7. Blood pressure regulation and good for thyroid.

Price: Around 80 Rs / 100 Grams.

You can buy these poppy seeds from here.

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